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Happy New year Harley’s Haven family!

Dr. Beth Mehaffey

The end of a year always makes me a bit sentimental, and it is certainly a beautiful time to reflect on what we have accomplished this year. Our grand total of adoptions has soared to 1675 lives saved since we started back in 2011, with 133 adoptions this year alone! Though in the grand scheme of things we are still pretty small, I am damn proud of those numbers. That is 1675 little souls who may not have had a chance without us. 1675 times we were able to step in, and give a deserving dog or puppy a chance at a new life and to get to know love. And of those adoptions, 12 were through our ‘Pups for Vets’ program this year! This program allows up to adopt dogs or puppies to veterans totally FREE, as a thank you for their service. We have adopted 120 pups through this program since it started 6 years ago, and are so thankful for the generous sponsors from Hair Studio 1208.

We had our fair share of medical cases this year though, with multiple orthopedic surgeries (so many different orthopedic surgeries), a few cases of parvo, a few emergency surgeries and hospitalizations, and so many of the puppy mill dogs with medical issues. We are very proud of how we have been able to help so many of the dogs from the puppy mills – often they are puppies with medical issues or congenital abnormalities, or breeding dogs who are no longer profitable. But we have been able to get them out of there and give them a life upgrade – and every dog saved from the mills is one less sold or used for breeding. One by one, until there are none, and we reach a future in which all the dogs (and cats) in Pennsylvania come from responsible breeders or rescues.

Our adventures in Nicaragua have continued to be on hold due to the pandemic, but we still managed to ship down some supplies this year, and to support them from afar, and we are hopeful to make it down again in 2023! In our local outreach, we were able to hold another free clinic in Philly, where we focused on vaccinating and addressing basic medical issues, and vaccinated or helped over 250 animals in just one day!

Looking forward to 2023 too, we have some exciting stuff in the works….in addition to hopefully making it to Nicaragua again, we are planning to host at least 2 clinics in Philly again, and to work on getting our Brotherly Love Fund more up and running, where we can provide free spay/neuter or medical care to owned pets in need! We are also in the early planning stages of trying to get a mobile surgical/medical unit – so we could take our outreach where it is needed most! This is a BIG one, and we will need lots of help – so stay tuned for updates there….and as always, to continue to save lives of pups in need both near and far. I’m hopeful 2023 bring some new fosters and volunteers, so we can grow our network and save even more lives.

So, here’s to 2023 – may you all have a happy and prosperous new year!! A huge thank you to all our fosters, volunteers, followers, and adopters – we couldn’t do what we do without all of you….so THANK YOU!!

Happy New year from our HH family to yours – cheers!!


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